BECH531 - INDIAN ECONOMY (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5 |
Max Marks:5 |
Credits:5 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description: This course initiates discussion on some of the key issues of the Indian economy. It provides an overview of the planning process and the macroeconomic challenges and policy management in India with special reference to Karnataka. The course exposes the students to the data on various economic aspects and policies in India and Karnataka as well. Course Objectives: The course aims to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: The student would demonstrate an understanding of the key issues and challenges of Indian Economy. CO2: The course enables the student to apply the theoretical knowledge in the actual working of Indian economy. CO3: The student would be able to evaluate the key features of Indian economy vis-à-vis other major economies of the world. CO4: The student could evaluate policy interventions and its implications in addressing the key challenges of the economy in general and for Karnataka state in particular. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Economic Development since Independence
Structure of Indian Economy - 1950-80: Mahalanobis Model, Planning Commission, Green Revolution, import-substitution, taxation and the black economy, Major changes in the policy stance, State-Market relationship; Policy changes in the 1980s; Was 1990 a structural break? Indian Economy at the threshold of the 21st century; India and the subprime crisis. | |||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Economic Development since Independence
Structure of Indian Economy - 1950-80: Mahalanobis Model, Planning Commission, Green Revolution, import-substitution, taxation and the black economy, Major changes in the policy stance, State-Market relationship; Policy changes in the 1980s; Was 1990 a structural break? Indian Economy at the threshold of the 21st century; India and the subprime crisis. | |||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Population and Human Development
Demographic trends: Population growth and size of population, aspects related to birth rate and death rate, composition and density of population, demographic transition and issues; Education: Literacy rates, enrollment rates; Primary, secondary and higher education; Technical education and skill gaps; Health and malnutrition: Trends, issues and programs | |||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Population and Human Development
Demographic trends: Population growth and size of population, aspects related to birth rate and death rate, composition and density of population, demographic transition and issues; Education: Literacy rates, enrollment rates; Primary, secondary and higher education; Technical education and skill gaps; Health and malnutrition: Trends, issues and programs | |||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Growth and Distribution
Trends and policies in poverty: Debate on poverty line; Inequality and unemployment trends; Employment generation programs and issues. | |||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Growth and Distribution
Trends and policies in poverty: Debate on poverty line; Inequality and unemployment trends; Employment generation programs and issues. | |||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Banking and Finance in India
Changing role of RBI; Banks, NBFCs and Financial Institutions: their role, and regulation; Rural Banking; Financial Inclusion; Capital Markets.
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Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Banking and Finance in India
Changing role of RBI; Banks, NBFCs and Financial Institutions: their role, and regulation; Rural Banking; Financial Inclusion; Capital Markets.
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Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Overview of Karnataka Economy- Policies, prospects and Challenges
Trends and growth pattern of SGDP and human development in Karnataka; Comparison with other Indian states; Problems and prospects of different sectors; State Planning process; Planning objectives and strategies, decentralized planning, intrastate disparities; education, health and housing; evaluation of recent development programs. | |||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Overview of Karnataka Economy- Policies, prospects and Challenges
Trends and growth pattern of SGDP and human development in Karnataka; Comparison with other Indian states; Problems and prospects of different sectors; State Planning process; Planning objectives and strategies, decentralized planning, intrastate disparities; education, health and housing; evaluation of recent development programs. | |||||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
External Sector
Overview of India’s Foreign Trade and Investments; Foreign Trade Policy – pre- and post-1990s; Make in India; India and the WTO; Exchange rate management; Evolution of FDI and FPI policy. | |||||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
External Sector
Overview of India’s Foreign Trade and Investments; Foreign Trade Policy – pre- and post-1990s; Make in India; India and the WTO; Exchange rate management; Evolution of FDI and FPI policy. | |||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Datt, G., & Mahajan, A. (2016). Indian economy. (72nd ed.). New Delhi: S.Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd. Iteshamul, H. (2015). A Handbook of Karnataka. Bangalore: Government of Karnataka. Kapila, U. (2016). Indian Economy – Performance and Policies (17th ed.). New Delhi: Academic Foundation. Misra, S. K., & Puri, V. K. (2011). Indian economy (34th ed.). Delhi: Himalaya Publishing House. | |||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Aiyar, S. S., & Mody, A. (2011). The demographic dividend: Evidence from the Indian states. IMF Working Paper WP/11/38, International Monetary Fund. Balakrishnan, P. (2007). The recovery of India: Economic growth in the Nehru Era. Economic and Political Weekly, 42 (45-46), 52-66. Baru, R., Acharya, A., Acharya, S., Kumar, A. S., & Nagaraj, K. (2010). Inequities in access to health services in India: caste, class and region. Economic and Political Weekly, 45 (38), 49-58. Basu, K. (2009). China and India: idiosyncratic paths to high growth. Economic and Political Weekly, 44 (38), 43-56. Deaton, A., & Drèze, J. (2009). Food and Nutrition in India: Facts and Interpretations. Economic and political weekly, 44 (07), 42-65. Drèze, J., & Sen, A. (2013). An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions. NJ: Princeton University Press. Dyson, T. (2013). Population and Development: The Demographic Transition. New York: Zed Books Ltd. Economic Survey of Karnataka 2016-17. Government of Karnataka. Himanshu, R., & Sen, A. (2010). Towards New Poverty Lines for India. Economic & Political Weekly, 45 (1), 2-8. Himanshu. (2011). Employment Trends in India: A Re-examination. Economic and Political Weekly, 46 (37), 43-59. James, K. S. (2008). Glorifying Malthus: Current debate on demographic dividend in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 43 (25), 63-69. Kapila, U. (Ed.). (2009). Indian Economy since Independence. New Delhi: Academic Foundation. Meti, T. K. (1976). The Economy of Karnataka: An Analysis of Development and Planning. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Company. Mohan, R. (2008). Growth record of the Indian economy, 1950-2008: A story of sustained savings and investment. Economic and Political Weekly, 43 (19), 61-71. Narayana, M. R. (2004). An Overview of the Karnataka Economy'. Chapter One in Karnataka Development Report, Karnataka: Institute for Social and Economic Change Shetty, S. L. (2007). India’s Savings Performance since the Advent of Planning. Institutions and Markets in India’s Development: Essays for K. N Raj, New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Somasekhara, N. (1978). Planning and Development in Karnataka: Targets, Allocations, and Perspectives. Mysore: Geetha Book House. Vaidyanathan, A., & Krishna, K. L. (Eds.). (2007). Institutions and Markets in India's Development: Essays for KN Raj. Oxford. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. | |||||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
* Mid Semester Exam ** End Semester Exam | |||||||||||||
BECH532 - INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:5 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description: The course provides a strong foundation in the various theories of international economics. It also enables the understanding of the trade policies and practices adopted in various countries as well as the impact of the same. The course exposes the students to the forms of economic integration in theory and practice. The module on the structure of the balance of payments and foreign exchange markets gives an in-depth understanding of the same and the issues therein. The course concludes with a detailed discussion on the international monetary system and the economic crises in recent times.
Course Objectives: The course aims to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: demonstrate a strong foundation in the theories of international economics CO2: Examine the trade policies and practices adopted globally CO3: Analyse the effects of economic integration on the economy CO4: interpret the causes and consequences of economic crises and other issues that have occurred globally in recent times. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Introduction and Essentials
The Subject Matter of International Economics; Trade Based on Absolute Advantage; Trade Based on Comparative Advantage; Misconceptions about comparative advantage; Comparative advantage in practice. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Introduction and Essentials
The Subject Matter of International Economics; Trade Based on Absolute Advantage; Trade Based on Comparative Advantage; Misconceptions about comparative advantage; Comparative advantage in practice. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
The Standard Theory of International Trade and Terms of Trade
The Basis for and the Gains from Trade with Increasing Costs; Trade Based on Differences in Tastes; The Equilibrium Relative Commodity Price with Trade; Partial Equilibrium Analysis & General Equilibrium Analysis; Terms of trade. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
The Standard Theory of International Trade and Terms of Trade
The Basis for and the Gains from Trade with Increasing Costs; Trade Based on Differences in Tastes; The Equilibrium Relative Commodity Price with Trade; Partial Equilibrium Analysis & General Equilibrium Analysis; Terms of trade. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
The Heckscher - Ohlin Theory, Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition and International Trade
Heckscher-Ohlin Theory; Factor-Price Equalization, Effect of Trade on Income Distribution; The Leontief Paradox; Empirical relevance of the H-O theory in the current period; Economies of Scale and International Trade; Imperfect Competition and International Trade-Intra industry trade; Technological gap and Product Cycle models. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
The Heckscher - Ohlin Theory, Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition and International Trade
Heckscher-Ohlin Theory; Factor-Price Equalization, Effect of Trade on Income Distribution; The Leontief Paradox; Empirical relevance of the H-O theory in the current period; Economies of Scale and International Trade; Imperfect Competition and International Trade-Intra industry trade; Technological gap and Product Cycle models. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Trade Restrictions: Tariffs and Nontariff Trade Barriers
Partial Equilibrium Analysis of a Tariff; General Equilibrium Analysis of a Tariff in a Small Country; Import Quotas; Other Non-tariff Barriers; Neo- Protectionism | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Trade Restrictions: Tariffs and Nontariff Trade Barriers
Partial Equilibrium Analysis of a Tariff; General Equilibrium Analysis of a Tariff in a Small Country; Import Quotas; Other Non-tariff Barriers; Neo- Protectionism | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Economic Integration
Meaning of Economic Integration, Trade-Creating Customs Unions; Trade-Diverting Customs Unions; The Theory of the Second Best and Other Static Welfare Effects of Customs Unions; ASEAN, SAARC; Multilateralism; WTO; New outlook towards a global trading system. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Economic Integration
Meaning of Economic Integration, Trade-Creating Customs Unions; Trade-Diverting Customs Unions; The Theory of the Second Best and Other Static Welfare Effects of Customs Unions; ASEAN, SAARC; Multilateralism; WTO; New outlook towards a global trading system. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
The Balance of Payments, Foreign Exchange Rates
Balance of Payments: Principles; Disequilibrium in BOP, BOP Crisis in India in 1991 Functions of the Foreign Exchange Markets; Foreign Exchange Rates; Purchasing Power Parity Theory; Stable and Unstable Foreign Exchange Markets. Rupee Convertibility. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
The Balance of Payments, Foreign Exchange Rates
Balance of Payments: Principles; Disequilibrium in BOP, BOP Crisis in India in 1991 Functions of the Foreign Exchange Markets; Foreign Exchange Rates; Purchasing Power Parity Theory; Stable and Unstable Foreign Exchange Markets. Rupee Convertibility. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
The International Monetary System and Macroeconomic Policy Coordination
The Evolution of the Bretton Woods System; The IMF; Policy Coordination with Floating Exchange Rates; The Single Currency and Economic Integration; The European Monetary Union. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
The International Monetary System and Macroeconomic Policy Coordination
The Evolution of the Bretton Woods System; The IMF; Policy Coordination with Floating Exchange Rates; The Single Currency and Economic Integration; The European Monetary Union. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-8 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
International Economic Issues
Financial liberalisation, capital movements and economic crises. Sustainable trade; Issues in emerging markets, international trade and ethics. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-8 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
International Economic Issues
Financial liberalisation, capital movements and economic crises. Sustainable trade; Issues in emerging markets, international trade and ethics. | |||||||||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books:
Salvatore, D. (2016). International Economics: Trade and Finance. (12th ed.). Oxford: John Wiley International Student Edition. | |||||||||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Alder, J., & Wilkinson, D. (1999). International Trade and the Environment: Ethical Issues. In Environmental Law and Ethics (pp. 325-353). Palgrave, London. Bowen, H., Hollander A. &Viaene J. (2012). Applied International Trade Analysis. London: Macmillan Publication. Dornbusch, R. (1980). Open Economy Macroeconomics (International Students Edition). New York: Basic Books. Kapila, U. (2018). Indian Economy: Performance and Policies. (17th ed.). New Delhi: Academic Foundation. Krugman, P., Obstfeld, M. & Melitz,M. (2012). International Economics: Theory and Policy. (9th ed.). New Delhi: Pearson Education. Lobo, R. (2003). Southeast Asian Crisis: An Economic Analysis. New Delhi: Serials Publication. Mankiw, G. N. (2012). Principles of Macroeconomics. (6th ed.). New Delhi: Cengage Learning India. Marrewijk, C.V. (2007). International Economics: Theory, Application and Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. McGee, R. (2016). Ethics in International Trade. Mihalcea, A. D., & Anghel, l. C. Romanian Capital Market: On the Road Toward an Emergent Market Status. Challenging the Status Quo in Management and Economics, 168. Reddy, Y.V. (2011). Global Crisis, Recession and Uneven Recovery. Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan. Stiglitz, J. (2016). The Euro and its Threat to the Future of Europe. London: Penguin.
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Evaluation Pattern
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BECH533 - FINANCIAL ECONOMICS (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:5 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description: The course introduces students to the conceptual and practical operations of the financial markets, institutions and instruments network in Indian context. The course gives a brief understanding of the topics of financial regulations, equity market, stock evaluation, stock returns and derivative market including hedging and arbitrage Course Objectives: To train students to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the methods of financial intermediation, working of financial markets and state their organisational structure in the Indian context. CO2: Analyse the changes in the core rules and regulatory arrangement of the Indian financial market and market intermediaries. CO3: Evaluate the stock risk and return framework to make investment decisions. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Financial Economics
Role of financial intermediation - Financial markets - Money vs. capital markets - Primary vs. secondary markets - Instruments in the money market - Instruments in the capital markets - Financial institutions; Banking and credit.
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Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Financial Economics
Role of financial intermediation - Financial markets - Money vs. capital markets - Primary vs. secondary markets - Instruments in the money market - Instruments in the capital markets - Financial institutions; Banking and credit.
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Financial Regulations and Financial Sector Reforms
Money Market regulations – Banking sector reforms – quarterly credit policy of RBI - Capital market regulations of SEBI- Legal issues in security trading - FERA & FEMA - Capital account convertibility; International regulatory framework.
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Financial Regulations and Financial Sector Reforms
Money Market regulations – Banking sector reforms – quarterly credit policy of RBI - Capital market regulations of SEBI- Legal issues in security trading - FERA & FEMA - Capital account convertibility; International regulatory framework.
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Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Equity Market
IPO and Book building process - Private vs. Public placement – Stock market indexes - Stock quotations – understanding secondary market operations.
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Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Equity Market
IPO and Book building process - Private vs. Public placement – Stock market indexes - Stock quotations – understanding secondary market operations.
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Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Stock Valuations
Stock evaluation methods - Fundamental vs. Technical analysis - Factors affecting stock prices - Economic factors - Market related factors - Firm specific factors - Indicators of future stock prices - Efficient Market Hypothesis - Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
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Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Stock Valuations
Stock evaluation methods - Fundamental vs. Technical analysis - Factors affecting stock prices - Economic factors - Market related factors - Firm specific factors - Indicators of future stock prices - Efficient Market Hypothesis - Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
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Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Stock Risk & Return Analysis
Measures of risk - Risk and return framework and investment decisions - Methods of determining maximum expected loss – Estimating beta of the stock.
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Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Stock Risk & Return Analysis
Measures of risk - Risk and return framework and investment decisions - Methods of determining maximum expected loss – Estimating beta of the stock.
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Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Derivative Securities Market
Financial future market: Markowitz model - Valuation of financial futures - Option market - Speculation with option market – Hedging - Arbitrage and foreign exchange futures market.
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Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Derivative Securities Market
Financial future market: Markowitz model - Valuation of financial futures - Option market - Speculation with option market – Hedging - Arbitrage and foreign exchange futures market.
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Text Books And Reference Books:
Bharti, P. (2018). Indian Financial System, 5/e. Pearson Education India. Madura, Jeff. (2015). Financial Institutions and Markets (11th ed.), Cengage Learning, USA. | |||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Bailey, R. E. (2005). The economics of financial markets. Cambridge University Press. Copeland, T. E., Weston, J. F., & Shastri, K. (2005). Financial theory and corporate policy. (4thed.), Pearson. Farrell, J. L., & Reinhart, W. J. (1997). Portfolio management: theory and application. McGraw-Hill. Fisher, E. Donald., & Jordan, J. Roland. (1995). Security Analysis and Portfolio management (6th ed.), Pearson India. Hearth, D., & Zaima, J. K. (2001). Contemporary investments: security and portfolio analysis. Harcourt College Publ. Hull, J. C., (2016). Futures, Options and other Derivatives (9thed.), Pearson. Khan, M. Y. (2013). Indian financial system. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. L. M. Bhole., & J. Mahakud.(2009). Financial Institutions and Markets (5thed.), McGraw-Hill. | |||||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
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Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description Introductory course on the basic principles of agricultural economics. Production economics, principles of supply and demand, resource economics, world food situation, marketing of agricultural products, and agricultural public policy. Course Objectives The course aims to help students to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Illustrate the agricultural development in India with regards to its nature and scope as well as the reforms that took place in India CO2: Analyse agricultural practices such as intra-regional variations, cropping patterns, and allied activities in accordance with the five year plans CO3: Appraise agricultural prices, rural labor market and state policy CO4: Summarise the role of WTO in Indian Agriculture |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Nature and Scope of Agricultural Economics; Traditional agriculture and its modernisation; Role of agriculture in economic development; Interdependence between agriculture and industry - empirical evidence; Principles of land utilization; Land distribution- structure and trends; Land values and rent; Land tenures and farming systems- Peasant, capitalist, collective, state and co - operative farming; Tenancy and crop sharing- Forms, incidence and effects; Land reform measures and performance; Problems of marginal and small farmers. | |||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Nature and Scope of Agricultural Economics; Traditional agriculture and its modernisation; Role of agriculture in economic development; Interdependence between agriculture and industry - empirical evidence; Principles of land utilization; Land distribution- structure and trends; Land values and rent; Land tenures and farming systems- Peasant, capitalist, collective, state and co - operative farming; Tenancy and crop sharing- Forms, incidence and effects; Land reform measures and performance; Problems of marginal and small farmers. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Agricultural Growth and Practices in India
Agricultural situation during five year plan periods; Role of Public Investment and Capital Formation in Indian Agriculture; Recent trends in agricultural growth in India; Inter regional variations in growth of output and productivity; Cropping pattern shifts; Strategy of agricultural development : Supply of inputs- Irrigation, power, seed and fertilizers and role of technology – Green Revolution; Sustainable agriculture: concepts and constraints, indigenous practices; Bio - technological practices; Organic Farming – Case Study; Role of allied activities in Agriculture: Livestock management-Dairy farming. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Agricultural Growth and Practices in India
Agricultural situation during five year plan periods; Role of Public Investment and Capital Formation in Indian Agriculture; Recent trends in agricultural growth in India; Inter regional variations in growth of output and productivity; Cropping pattern shifts; Strategy of agricultural development : Supply of inputs- Irrigation, power, seed and fertilizers and role of technology – Green Revolution; Sustainable agriculture: concepts and constraints, indigenous practices; Bio - technological practices; Organic Farming – Case Study; Role of allied activities in Agriculture: Livestock management-Dairy farming. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Consumer and Producer Theory in Agricultural Economics
Production function analysis in agriculture – factor combination and resource substitution, cost and supply curves; Size of farm and laws of returns – theoretical and empirical findings. Characteristics of demand for farm products – Concept and measurement of o wn-price, cross- price and income elasticities of demand and their interrelationship in agricultural sector; Issues relating to specification of supply response function (distributed lags, acreage vs. production response etc.); Quantity and quality components of demand for food; Characteristics of supply of farm products. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Consumer and Producer Theory in Agricultural Economics
Production function analysis in agriculture – factor combination and resource substitution, cost and supply curves; Size of farm and laws of returns – theoretical and empirical findings. Characteristics of demand for farm products – Concept and measurement of o wn-price, cross- price and income elasticities of demand and their interrelationship in agricultural sector; Issues relating to specification of supply response function (distributed lags, acreage vs. production response etc.); Quantity and quality components of demand for food; Characteristics of supply of farm products. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:16 |
Agricultural Prices and Rural Labor Market
Marketing and state policy; Agricultural markets and marketing efficiency- marketing functions and costs; Market structure and imperfection; Regulated markets; Marketed and marketable surplus; Need for state intervention: State policy with respect to agricultural marketing, Warehousing, Prices, Taxation and crop insurance; Behaviour of agricultural prices: Cobweb model, Price and income stability, Objectives of agricultural price policy- Instruments and evaluation; Food security in India and public distribution system; Interlocking of factor markets; Mobility of labour and segmentation in labour markets; Agricultural employment- Trends and determinants | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:16 |
Agricultural Prices and Rural Labor Market
Marketing and state policy; Agricultural markets and marketing efficiency- marketing functions and costs; Market structure and imperfection; Regulated markets; Marketed and marketable surplus; Need for state intervention: State policy with respect to agricultural marketing, Warehousing, Prices, Taxation and crop insurance; Behaviour of agricultural prices: Cobweb model, Price and income stability, Objectives of agricultural price policy- Instruments and evaluation; Food security in India and public distribution system; Interlocking of factor markets; Mobility of labour and segmentation in labour markets; Agricultural employment- Trends and determinants | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
WTO and Indian Agriculture
Terms of trade between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors; WTO and Indian agriculture- Advantages and disadvantages in relation to Indian Agriculture; Agricultural Subsidies in India: importance, issues and challenges; patents. | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
WTO and Indian Agriculture
Terms of trade between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors; WTO and Indian agriculture- Advantages and disadvantages in relation to Indian Agriculture; Agricultural Subsidies in India: importance, issues and challenges; patents. | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Lekhi, R. K., and Singh. J. (2016). Agricultural Economics – An Indian Perspective (11 th ed.). New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers. | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Barkley, A., & Barkley, P. (2013). Principles of Agricultural Economics. London: Routlegde, Taylor and Francis. Colman, D., & Young, T. (1989). Principles of Agricultural Economics: Markets and Prices in Less Developed Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Government of India. (2017). State of Indian Agriculture 2015-16. New Delhi. Retrieved from http://eands.dacnet.nic.in/PDF/State_of_Indian_Agriculture,2015-16.pdf | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern Assessment outline:
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Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to some of the advanced econometric concepts and techniques. The course begins with an introduction to lag modelling and covers distributed as well as dynamic models. Then the students will be introduced to the world of Simultaneous Equation Models and deals in depth with the issue of simultaneity and its solutions. The students will then be introduced to the analysis of two major types of data used in econometric analysis viz. time series and panel data. The course also covers different approaches to econometric forecasting. Some of the important testing procedures such as Granger Causality, Unit root tests, Seasonality tests, Structural break test, Cointegration test and Model stability tests will be introduced to the students during this course. The modules will be delivered using econometric software applications such as EViews, Gretl or STATA. Course Objectives: The course aims at providing students with:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: To demonstrate the construction and estimation of lag models and simultaneous equation models.
CO2: To apply econometric techniques for the analysis of time series and panel data using econometric software packages. CO3: To analyse each economic problem in depth CO4: To do not only the estimation of the model and testing of hypotheses, but also perform post-estimation diagnostics and see how well the model performs. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:16 |
Dynamic Econometric Models
Lags in Econometric Models; Distributed Lag Model; Autoregressive Lag Model; Reasons for Lags; Estimation of Distributed-Lag Model, The Koyck Approach to Distributed-Lag Model; Rationalisation of Koyck Model: The Adaptive Expectations Model, Partial Adjustment Model; Estimation of Autoregressive Models; The Method of Instrument Variable; Causality in Economics: The Granger Causality Test. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:16 |
Dynamic Econometric Models
Lags in Econometric Models; Distributed Lag Model; Autoregressive Lag Model; Reasons for Lags; Estimation of Distributed-Lag Model, The Koyck Approach to Distributed-Lag Model; Rationalisation of Koyck Model: The Adaptive Expectations Model, Partial Adjustment Model; Estimation of Autoregressive Models; The Method of Instrument Variable; Causality in Economics: The Granger Causality Test. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Simultaneous-Equation Models
Nature of Simultaneous-Equations Models; Simultaneous Equation Bias; Structural Models; Reduced Form Models; Identification Problem; Rules of Identification; Tests for Simultaneity and Exogeneity; Method of Indirect Least Squares; Method of Two-Stage Least Squares. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Simultaneous-Equation Models
Nature of Simultaneous-Equations Models; Simultaneous Equation Bias; Structural Models; Reduced Form Models; Identification Problem; Rules of Identification; Tests for Simultaneity and Exogeneity; Method of Indirect Least Squares; Method of Two-Stage Least Squares. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Time Series Econometrics: Basic Concepts
Introduction to Time Series; Stationary and Non-Stationary Time Series; Spurious Regression; Unit Root Tests: Dickey-Fuller and Augmented Dickey-Fuller Tests; Transforming Nonstationary Time Series; Cointegration: Testing for Cointegration, Error Correction Mechanism. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Time Series Econometrics: Basic Concepts
Introduction to Time Series; Stationary and Non-Stationary Time Series; Spurious Regression; Unit Root Tests: Dickey-Fuller and Augmented Dickey-Fuller Tests; Transforming Nonstationary Time Series; Cointegration: Testing for Cointegration, Error Correction Mechanism. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Time Series Econometrics: Forecasting
Approaches to Economic Forecasting; ARIMA Models; The Box-Jenkins Methodology; Vector Autoregression; Forecasting with VAR; Testing Causality using VAR. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Time Series Econometrics: Forecasting
Approaches to Economic Forecasting; ARIMA Models; The Box-Jenkins Methodology; Vector Autoregression; Forecasting with VAR; Testing Causality using VAR. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Panel Data Regression Model
Introduction to Panel Data; Constant Coefficient Model; Fixed Effect LSDV Model; Fixed Effect WG Model; Random Effects Model, Properties of Estimators. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Panel Data Regression Model
Introduction to Panel Data; Constant Coefficient Model; Fixed Effect LSDV Model; Fixed Effect WG Model; Random Effects Model, Properties of Estimators. | |||||||||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Gujarati, D. N. (2016). Econometrics by Example (2nd ed.). Palgrave. Gujarati, D. N., Porter, D.C., & Gunasekar, S. (2017). Basic Econometrics (5th ed.). McGraw Hill. Studenmund, A. H. (2016). Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide. (7 th ed.). New Delhi: Pearson | |||||||||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Enders, W. (2013). Applied Econometric Time Series (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons. Greene, W. H. (2000). Econometric Analysis (4th ed.). Prentice Hall. Hamilton, J. D. (1994). Time Series Analysis. Princeton University Press. Koutsoyiannis, A. (1973). Theory of Econometrics, Harper & Row. Patterson, K. (2000). An Introduction to Applied Econometrics: A Time Series Approach. Palgrave. Pindyck, R. S., & Rubinfeld, D. L. (1990). Econometric Models and Econometric Forecasts (4th ed.).McGraw-Hill. Wooldridge, J. M. (2002). Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data Massachusetts: MIT Press. | |||||||||||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
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Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course should be accessible to anyone with an analytical mind and familiarity with basic concepts of economics. Since several environmental problems are caused by economic activity, for instance, carbon emissions, over-harvesting of renewable resources and air and water pollution as a by-product of industrial activity, this course examines different approaches to adjusting behaviour through economic institutions such as markets and incentives as well as through regulation, etc. It also addresses the economic implications of environmental policies through practical applications of methods for valuation of environmental goods and services and quantification of environmental damages. Conversely, the impact of economic growth on the environment is also addressed under the rubric of sustainable development. Environmental problems and issues from the Indian and international context (especially global warming) are used to illustrate the concepts and methods presented in the course. Course Objectives:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Explain the major concepts and theories of environmental economics CO2: Examine the efficacy of fiscal and policy interventions in addressing environmental issues CO3: Apply environmental valuation tools in addressing environmental problems CO4: Demonstrate the knowledge of sustainable development measures in tackling environmental challenges |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Introduction to environmental economics; Definition, Nature and Scope; Nexus between environment and economy; Key environmental issues and problems, Material balance principle, Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, Tragedy of commons, common pooled resources, Hotelling’s rule; Pareto optimality and market failure in the presence of externalities. | |||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Introduction to environmental economics; Definition, Nature and Scope; Nexus between environment and economy; Key environmental issues and problems, Material balance principle, Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, Tragedy of commons, common pooled resources, Hotelling’s rule; Pareto optimality and market failure in the presence of externalities. | |||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
The Design and Implementation of Environmental Policy
Overview, Pigouvian taxes and effluent fees, tradable permits; Liability Rules; Pollution Control Boards; Legislative measures of environmental protection in India; Implementation of environmental policies in India and international experience; Transboundary environmental problems; Economics of climate change. | |||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
The Design and Implementation of Environmental Policy
Overview, Pigouvian taxes and effluent fees, tradable permits; Liability Rules; Pollution Control Boards; Legislative measures of environmental protection in India; Implementation of environmental policies in India and international experience; Transboundary environmental problems; Economics of climate change. | |||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Environmental Valuation Methods and Applications
Concepts of environmental value; Total economic value; Valuation of non-market goods and services-theory and practice; measurement methods; Revealed preference methods – travel cost, hedonic pricing; Stated preference methods – Contingent valuation, choice experiment; Costbenefit analysis of environmental policies and regulations. | |||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Environmental Valuation Methods and Applications
Concepts of environmental value; Total economic value; Valuation of non-market goods and services-theory and practice; measurement methods; Revealed preference methods – travel cost, hedonic pricing; Stated preference methods – Contingent valuation, choice experiment; Costbenefit analysis of environmental policies and regulations. | |||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Sustainable Development
Concepts; Measurement; Rules for sustainable development, Indicators of sustainable development; Perspectives from Indian experience; Ecosystem services and human well-being; Trade-off between environmental protection and economic growth; Environmental Kuznets’ curve. | |||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Sustainable Development
Concepts; Measurement; Rules for sustainable development, Indicators of sustainable development; Perspectives from Indian experience; Ecosystem services and human well-being; Trade-off between environmental protection and economic growth; Environmental Kuznets’ curve. | |||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Hanley, N., Shogren, J., Ben, W. (2002). Environmental Economics – In Theory and Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan. | |||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Bhattacharya, R. N. (2001). Environmental Economics. (1st ed.). New Delhi: Oxford India Paperbacks. | |||||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
MSE*: Mid-Semester Examination, ESE**: End-Semester Examination
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BECH542B - INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course exposes students to the theory and analytical understanding of the industrial sector of the economy. This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts, nature and scope of industrial economics followed by market concentration analysis. It also discusses productivity studies with reference to the Indian industries and the impact of government policies on the Indian industries since independence. Course Objective: The course aims to help students to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Outline the basic idea about the issues and policies pertaining to the industries environment. CO2: Demonstrate and explain various industrial productivity concepts and measurements. CO3: Examine industrial development in India and government regulations. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Industrial Organisation and Ownership Structure
Nature and scope of Industrial Economics; Concepts in Industrial Economics; industry, market, market structure, market conduct and Market Power; Organisational Structure of a Firm; Objectives of firms; Theories of the firm: Behavioural theory; The transaction cost theory; Resources based theory of the firm. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Industrial Organisation and Ownership Structure
Nature and scope of Industrial Economics; Concepts in Industrial Economics; industry, market, market structure, market conduct and Market Power; Organisational Structure of a Firm; Objectives of firms; Theories of the firm: Behavioural theory; The transaction cost theory; Resources based theory of the firm. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Market Structure and Market Concentration
An overview of standard forms of market structure: Concept of Workable Competition; Definition of market concentration; Concentration indices; Market power measures; Concentration and market performance; Vertical integration: Types of vertical integration; Incentives to vertical integration; Effects of vertical integration for the economy; Merger: types; Motives for merger and implication for public policies. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Market Structure and Market Concentration
An overview of standard forms of market structure: Concept of Workable Competition; Definition of market concentration; Concentration indices; Market power measures; Concentration and market performance; Vertical integration: Types of vertical integration; Incentives to vertical integration; Effects of vertical integration for the economy; Merger: types; Motives for merger and implication for public policies. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Industrial Finance and Location Analysis
Need of finance; Types of finance; sources of finance; Choice of funding; Development Banking: IDBI, IFCI and SFCs; Factors Influencing the Location of Industries; Theories of Industrial Location: Weber, Sargent Florence; Industrial location trends in India. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Industrial Finance and Location Analysis
Need of finance; Types of finance; sources of finance; Choice of funding; Development Banking: IDBI, IFCI and SFCs; Factors Influencing the Location of Industries; Theories of Industrial Location: Weber, Sargent Florence; Industrial location trends in India. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Industrial Productivity
Concept and measurement of productivity; Empirical evidence of productivity in Indian industries; Industrial sickness; Under-utilization of capacity; factors accounting for it and consequences. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Industrial Productivity
Concept and measurement of productivity; Empirical evidence of productivity in Indian industries; Industrial sickness; Under-utilization of capacity; factors accounting for it and consequences. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Industrial Development in India and Government Regulation
Industrial structure at the time of Independence; Globalization and its impacts on industries; Recent trends in Industrial growth and diversification; International competitiveness of Indian industry; Privatization and issues relating to disinvestment policy; Need for or government intervention in the industry; Industrial regulations in India. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Industrial Development in India and Government Regulation
Industrial structure at the time of Independence; Globalization and its impacts on industries; Recent trends in Industrial growth and diversification; International competitiveness of Indian industry; Privatization and issues relating to disinvestment policy; Need for or government intervention in the industry; Industrial regulations in India. | |||||||||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Barthwal, R. R. (2010). Industrial Economics: an introductory textbook. New Delhi: New Age International. | |||||||||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Ahluwalia, I. J. (1985). Industrial Growth in India: Stagnation since the Mid-Sixties., New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Cable, J. R. (1994). Current Issues in Industrial Economics. London: Macmillan. Ferguson, P. R., & Ferguson, G. (1994). Industrial Economics: Issues and Perspectives. New York: NYU Press. Hay, D. A., & Morris, D. J. (1991). Industrial Economics and Organization: Theory and Evidence. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Howe, W. S. (1978). Industrial Economics: An Applied Approach. London: Macmillan. Martin, S. (1994). Industrial Economics: Economic Analysis and Public Policy. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Narayan, B. N. (1997). Industrial Economics: A Special Study for Students of MBA, M. Com., and MA. Bengaluru: Anmol Publications. Phlips, L. (Ed.). (1998). Applied Industrial Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | |||||||||||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
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BECH581 - FORMATIVE WORK FOR DISSERTATION (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:2 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description: One of the requirements for the completion of the BA Economics Honours programmes at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is to conduct original research work under the guidance of a faculty member and submit it in the form of a research dissertation. Having undergone extensive training in Mathematical Economics, Statistical Methods, Research Methods and Econometrics, this course enables students to demonstrate an understanding of how to apply their theoretical knowledge to practice by investigating and carefully evaluating real-time economic issue(s). This paper is intended to guide students through the formative work of working towards their dissertation. Course Objectives: The course aims to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Identify research topics/areas CO2: Formulate a research problem statement CO3: Identify the sources and types of reference materials CO4: Carry out effective review of literature CO5: Formulate research questions, objectives and hypotheses |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
The dissertation work is carried out under the guidance of a faculty with scheduled meetings for discussion of the progress of the work and timely interim presentations before a panel of faculty to assess the quality of the work. The final submission of the dissertation in the even semester is followed by a viva voce on the research topic. | |||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
The dissertation work is carried out under the guidance of a faculty with scheduled meetings for discussion of the progress of the work and timely interim presentations before a panel of faculty to assess the quality of the work. The final submission of the dissertation in the even semester is followed by a viva voce on the research topic. | |||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: The essential readings will include the necessary references for the preparation of the literature review. | |||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading The additional readings will include the materials suggested by the guide for broad learning of concepts, theories and methodologies. | |||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
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BECH582 - INTERNSHIP (2022 Batch) | |||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:0 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description: This course enables students to apply theoretical knowledge acquired in their first four semesters to practical applications. Hence, the students are expected to complete a short internship during the summer break after the fourth semester as part of the course curriculum. Having undergone extensive understanding/training in Economic theories, Mathematical Methods, Statistics, Econometrics and Research Methods, this course enables students to demonstrate an understanding of how to apply theoretical knowledge to practice in different organizations/institutions of their choice. The minimum duration of the internship is stipulated as four weeks. It is evaluated based on set criteria out of 50 marks and has a maximum of two (2) credits. Course Objectives: The course aims to help students to: 1. apply theoretical knowledge to practical, real-life problems. 2. analyse data/information through a scientific method. 3. apply the acquired skills in practical application(s) and gain industry experience. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: identify socio/economic/managerial/political issues and develop a framework to conduct enquiry. CO2: identify sources of data and tools (Statistical/Mathematical Methods) to analyse the collected data. CO3: utilise the theoretical knowledge acquired to solve socio/economic/ managerial/ political issues and gain industry experience. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:0 |
Methodology adopted for internship
The students are expected to identify and communicate to the organization/ institution where they want to pursue their internship, and the same should be communicated to the Department of Economics and approved before the internship commences. As a requirement, the students must submit a letter confirming their internship from the interning organization/ institution. After completing the internship, the students should submit a final Internship Report, internship diary, and completion certificate for evaluation at the Department level. Failing to submit the internship completion certificate will result in the status of the internship as "Incomplete". | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:0 |
Methodology adopted for internship
The students are expected to identify and communicate to the organization/ institution where they want to pursue their internship, and the same should be communicated to the Department of Economics and approved before the internship commences. As a requirement, the students must submit a letter confirming their internship from the interning organization/ institution. After completing the internship, the students should submit a final Internship Report, internship diary, and completion certificate for evaluation at the Department level. Failing to submit the internship completion certificate will result in the status of the internship as "Incomplete". | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: The essential readings will be suggested by the mentor for the purpose of the internship at the interning organisation/institution. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading The additional readings will include the materials suggested by the internship mentor for broad learning of concepts, theories and methodologies to be used in the internship. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
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SDEH511 - SKILL DEVELOPMENT (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:0 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description : The primary objective of this course is to familiarize the database management and various discipline specific software packages to the students and help them to analyse the basic statistical methods for data analysis. The theme identified for the fifth and sixth semester is Data management and Technical Knowledge. Course Objective : The course aims to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: To demonstrate working in discipline specific software package and database for professional development CO2: To utilise these transferable skills which can be used in multiple domains across time. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Skill Development
Students must choose MOOC courses offered by various online platforms in the specific themes given for the Fifth and sixth semesters. This consists of various discipline software packages, SPSS, Excel, R, Adobe, Python, Tableau, Nvivo etc. | |||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Skill Development
Students must choose MOOC courses offered by various online platforms in the specific themes given for the Fifth and sixth semesters. This consists of various discipline software packages, SPSS, Excel, R, Adobe, Python, Tableau, Nvivo etc. | |||||
Text Books And Reference Books: As suggested by the mentor | |||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading As suggested by the mentor | |||||
Evaluation Pattern
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BECH631 - PUBLIC ECONOMICS (2022 Batch) | |||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:5 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description: The paper deals with the nature of government intervention and its implications for allocation, distribution and stabilization. Inherently, this study involves a formal analysis of government taxation, expenditures, deficit and public debt management. This paper combines a thorough understanding of fiscal institutions with a careful analysis of the issues which underline budgetary policies in general and Indian experience in particular.
Course Objectives: The objectives of the course are to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Demonstrate the economic and regulatory functions of the government and its significance in an organised society CO2: Examine the impact of government policies on taxation, expenditure and public debt CO3: Analyse the Union Budget of India and its macroeconomic implications in a federalism |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Role of Government in an Organised Society
The nature, scope and significance of public economics - Public vs Private Finance - Principle of Maximum Social advantage: Approaches and Limitations (Dalton and Hicks) - Functions of Government (a). Economic functions- allocation, distribution and stabilization (b) Regulatory functions of the Government and its economic significance. | |||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Role of Government in an Organised Society
The nature, scope and significance of public economics - Public vs Private Finance - Principle of Maximum Social advantage: Approaches and Limitations (Dalton and Hicks) - Functions of Government (a). Economic functions- allocation, distribution and stabilization (b) Regulatory functions of the Government and its economic significance. | |||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Public Sector and Public Goods
Concept of public sector- Need for public sector- Concept of public goods- Characteristics of public goods- National vs. local public goods- Merit goods and club goods- Market failure and public Provision- Provision versus production of public goods- Determination of provision of public good- Samuelson’s rule- Externality: concept of social versus private costs and benefits. | |||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Public Sector and Public Goods
Concept of public sector- Need for public sector- Concept of public goods- Characteristics of public goods- National vs. local public goods- Merit goods and club goods- Market failure and public Provision- Provision versus production of public goods- Determination of provision of public good- Samuelson’s rule- Externality: concept of social versus private costs and benefits. | |||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Public Revenue and Taxation
Sources of Public Revenue- Tax revenue and non-tax revenue- Concept of tax- Canons of taxation- Approaches to the principle of Equity in taxation: (a) Ability to Pay principle (b) Benefit Approach- Taxable capacity- Incidence of taxes- Modern theory of incidence- Types of taxation- Laffer curve analysis- GST. | |||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Public Revenue and Taxation
Sources of Public Revenue- Tax revenue and non-tax revenue- Concept of tax- Canons of taxation- Approaches to the principle of Equity in taxation: (a) Ability to Pay principle (b) Benefit Approach- Taxable capacity- Incidence of taxes- Modern theory of incidence- Types of taxation- Laffer curve analysis- GST. | |||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:17 |
Public Expenditure and Public Debt
Structure and growth of public expenditure- Pure theories of public expenditure (a) Lindahl’s benefit theory (b) Pigou’s marginal ability theory (c) Samuelson’s pure theory of public expenditure - General Theories of Public Expenditure: (a)Wagner’s Law of increasing state activities (b) Wiseman-Peacock hypothesis (c) Colin Clark’s critical limit hypothesis- Trends of Public expenditure in India- Subsidies in India- Concepts of public debt- Types of public debt- Burden of public debt- Approaches to the burden of public debt (Pigou, Buchanan and Musgrave)- Redemption of public debt- methods- Growth of India’s public debt- interest payments expenditure. | |||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:17 |
Public Expenditure and Public Debt
Structure and growth of public expenditure- Pure theories of public expenditure (a) Lindahl’s benefit theory (b) Pigou’s marginal ability theory (c) Samuelson’s pure theory of public expenditure - General Theories of Public Expenditure: (a)Wagner’s Law of increasing state activities (b) Wiseman-Peacock hypothesis (c) Colin Clark’s critical limit hypothesis- Trends of Public expenditure in India- Subsidies in India- Concepts of public debt- Types of public debt- Burden of public debt- Approaches to the burden of public debt (Pigou, Buchanan and Musgrave)- Redemption of public debt- methods- Growth of India’s public debt- interest payments expenditure. | |||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:17 |
Government Budget and Fiscal Federalism
Government budget and its structure – Receipts and expenditure- Concepts of current and capital account- Functional classification of budget- Balanced, surplus, and deficit budgets- Concepts of fiscal imbalances- revenue deficit, effective revenue deficit, fiscal deficit and primary deficit- Budget multipliers- Budget, government policy and its impact- Concept of federalism- Different layers of the government- Principles of federal finance- Inter-governmental transfer and Theory of Grants- Horizontal vs. vertical equity in devolution- Finance Commission. | |||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:17 |
Government Budget and Fiscal Federalism
Government budget and its structure – Receipts and expenditure- Concepts of current and capital account- Functional classification of budget- Balanced, surplus, and deficit budgets- Concepts of fiscal imbalances- revenue deficit, effective revenue deficit, fiscal deficit and primary deficit- Budget multipliers- Budget, government policy and its impact- Concept of federalism- Different layers of the government- Principles of federal finance- Inter-governmental transfer and Theory of Grants- Horizontal vs. vertical equity in devolution- Finance Commission. | |||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Bagchi, A. (2005). Readings in Public Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | |||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Atkinson, A., & Stiglitz, J. E. (2015). Lectures on Public Economics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. | |||||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
MSE*: Mid-Semester Examination, ESE**: End-Semester Examination | |||||||||||||
BECH632 - HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:5 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description The course is designed to be intellectually stimulating and charts out the economic thought from mercantilism to the contemporary period. This course is meant to evaluate the economic theory, ideas, doctrines and postulates of the various schools of thought proposed and developed by various economists. Economic thought forms the basis of the ideology and policies adopted in different countries Course Objectives The course aims to help students to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Critically appreciate why economics ideas differ in different countries. CO2: Evaluate the adequacies and shortcomings of different schools of thought. CO3: Create a new pattern or idea through re-organization of knowledge that has been broken down into its different schools of thought.
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Classical School of thought
Why study History of Economic thought; major features of Mercantilism and the Physiocrats thought; Adam Smith and Ricardo : theory of value, distribution and labour; Malthus: the dismal science; J.S Mill: the first synthesis in economics. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Classical School of thought
Why study History of Economic thought; major features of Mercantilism and the Physiocrats thought; Adam Smith and Ricardo : theory of value, distribution and labour; Malthus: the dismal science; J.S Mill: the first synthesis in economics. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Critics of Classicism
Karl Marx: an inquiry into the law of motion of the capitalist system; the socialist thought; the origin, nature and functioning of capitalism; use value and exchange value. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Critics of Classicism
Karl Marx: an inquiry into the law of motion of the capitalist system; the socialist thought; the origin, nature and functioning of capitalism; use value and exchange value. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Marginalist and Neoclassical Tradition
First generation Marginalist: Jevons, Walras and Menger : their major contributions; Second generation marginalist: Edgeworth, Wicksteed and Clark: their major contributions; Alfred Marshall and the neoclassical tradition; the new theory of welfare and consumer behaviour. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Marginalist and Neoclassical Tradition
First generation Marginalist: Jevons, Walras and Menger : their major contributions; Second generation marginalist: Edgeworth, Wicksteed and Clark: their major contributions; Alfred Marshall and the neoclassical tradition; the new theory of welfare and consumer behaviour. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Keynes and Post Keynesian thought
Keynes’s critique of the mainstream tradition; Keynesian, neo-Walrasians and monetarists | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Keynes and Post Keynesian thought
Keynes’s critique of the mainstream tradition; Keynesian, neo-Walrasians and monetarists | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Developments in New Welfare Economics
The debate about market failures and Coase’s theorem; The theory of social choice: Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem; Asymmetric information: Akerlof; Economic Theories of Justice: Rawl’s. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Developments in New Welfare Economics
The debate about market failures and Coase’s theorem; The theory of social choice: Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem; Asymmetric information: Akerlof; Economic Theories of Justice: Rawl’s. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Developments in New Welfare Economics
Active learning on institutional approach, heterodox approach to study economics and the behavioural school of thought in economics. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Developments in New Welfare Economics
Active learning on institutional approach, heterodox approach to study economics and the behavioural school of thought in economics. | |||||||||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Screpanti, E & Zamagni, S. (2006). An Outline of the History of Economic Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | |||||||||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Gide, C and Rist, C. (2007). A History of Economic Doctrines. New Delhi: Surjeet Publications. Kapp, W and Kapp, L., (1960). History of Economic Thought–A Book of Readings (6th ed.). New York: Barnes Noble Inc. Keynes, J.M.(1939). The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. The University of Adelaide Library Electronic Texts Collection. Mill, J.S. and Bentham, J. (2004) Utilitarianism and other Essays. London: Penguin Classics. Robbins, L. (2000). A History of Economic Thought: The LSE Lectures” (Eds.) by Steven G. Medema and Warren J. Samuels, Princeton: Princeton University Press Smith, A. (2003). The Wealth of Nations. New York: Bantam Classic Edition. Mundell, R. A. (1961). A theory of optimum currency areas. The American economic review, 51(4), 657-665. Sen, A. K. (2017). Collective choice and social welfare, Expanded edition, London: Penguin. Greenwald, B. C., & Stiglitz, J. E. (1990). Asymmetric Information and the New Theory of the Firm: Financial Constraints and Risk Behavior (No. w3359). National Bureau of Economic Research. Krugman, P. (2009). The increasing returns revolution in trade and geography. The American Economic Review, 99(3), 561-571. Thaler, R. (1985). Mental Accounting and Consumer Choice. Marketing science, 4(3), 199-214. | |||||||||||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
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BECH641A - ECONOMICS OF LAW (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description The course will provide a broad overview of the scholarly field known as "law and economics.". This field is an amalgamation of the areas of economics and law, to understand how economic theory can be used to analyse the framework of law. The economic concepts as efficiency and incentives form the crux of the economic analysis of various core areas of law: property, tort, contracts and crime. With the focus on efficiency the course allows to understand the debate put forward by economists that market mechanism is more efficient than courts. Course Objectives The objectives of the course are:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Students will be able to explain the economic angle to a legal problem or issue in the areas of property,
tort, contract and crime. CO2: Students will be able to examine the legal issues in the areas of both private law and public law using
the basic tools of economics. CO3: Students will be able to compare the common law and civil law traditions CO4: Students will be able to outline the nature of legal dispute CO5: Students will be able to assess the efficiency effects of legal rules and policies. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Introduction to Law and Economics
Meaning of Economic Analysis of Law: Examples, Primacy of efficiency over distribution in analyzing Private Law, Importance of studying Law for Economists and Economics for Lawyers. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Introduction to Law and Economics
Meaning of Economic Analysis of Law: Examples, Primacy of efficiency over distribution in analyzing Private Law, Importance of studying Law for Economists and Economics for Lawyers. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
An Introduction to Law and Legal Traditions
The Legal Traditions: The Civil and Common - evolution, differences; Nature of Legal dispute; Evolution of Legal Rules; The Institutions of the federal and the State Court systems in the United States and Structure of Court System in India. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
An Introduction to Law and Legal Traditions
The Legal Traditions: The Civil and Common - evolution, differences; Nature of Legal dispute; Evolution of Legal Rules; The Institutions of the federal and the State Court systems in the United States and Structure of Court System in India. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Theory of Property
The Legal Concept of Property; Bargaining theory; The Origins of Institution of Property: a thought experiment, An Economic theory of Property, Ownership and Protection of Property. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Theory of Property
The Legal Concept of Property; Bargaining theory; The Origins of Institution of Property: a thought experiment, An Economic theory of Property, Ownership and Protection of Property. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theory of Contract
An Introduction to Contracts : The Bargain Theory of Contract – Economic Theory of Contract – Economics of Contract Law. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Theory of Contract
An Introduction to Contracts : The Bargain Theory of Contract – Economic Theory of Contract – Economics of Contract Law. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
An Introduction to Economic Theory of Tort Law
Basics of Law of Tort: Defining Tort Law – Economic Essence of Tort Law ; Traditional theory of Tort Liability – An Economic Theory of Tort Liability; Economics of Damage Remedy : Extending the Economic model. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
An Introduction to Economic Theory of Tort Law
Basics of Law of Tort: Defining Tort Law – Economic Essence of Tort Law ; Traditional theory of Tort Liability – An Economic Theory of Tort Liability; Economics of Damage Remedy : Extending the Economic model. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
An Economic theory of Crime and Punishment
The Legal theory of Crime and Punishment– Economic Theory of Crime and Punishment. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
An Economic theory of Crime and Punishment
The Legal theory of Crime and Punishment– Economic Theory of Crime and Punishment. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Legislations in India
The Competition Act 2002 and Recent Amendments and Intellectual Property Rights in India: Issues, Challenges and Comparison. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Legislations in India
The Competition Act 2002 and Recent Amendments and Intellectual Property Rights in India: Issues, Challenges and Comparison. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-8 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Recent Developments in Economic Analysis of Law
The Future of Law and Economics: Essays by Ten Law School Scholars. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-8 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Recent Developments in Economic Analysis of Law
The Future of Law and Economics: Essays by Ten Law School Scholars. | |||||||||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Cooter, R., & Ulen, T. (2014). Law and economics (6th ed.). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Calabresi, G. (2017). Future of Law and Economics. United States: Yale University Press . | |||||||||||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Veljanovski, C. (2007). Economic Principles of Law. Cambridge University Press. Friedman, D. (2008). Law's order. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press. Posner, R. (2014). Economic analysis of law. New York: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. Mercuro, N., & Medema, S. (2006). Economics and the law. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Wittman, D. (2008). Economic Analysis of the Law.(ed). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Polinsky, M., & Shavell, S. (2007). Handbook of law and economics. Amsterdam: North Holland. Landes, W., & Posner, R. (1987). The economic structure of tort law. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Wahl, J. (1998). Overview and economic analysis of property and criminal law. Taylor and Francis. Rachlinski, J. (2009). Behavioral law and economics. Cheltenham: Elgar. Posner, R. (1983). Economics of Justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press | |||||||||||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
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BECH641B - POLITICAL ECONOMY OF INDIA (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course DescriptionThe primary aim of this course is to introduce students to political economy theory and the political economy of India. The discourse examines the interplay of politics and economics so that students comprehend the impact of political processes on economic development. Thirdly, the aim is to acquaint students to significant political economy issues namely liberalization and withdrawal of the state from its engagement in development. Course ObjectiveThe course aims to help students to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: identify and compare the main political themes in the Indian economy. CO2: illustrate the interplay between politics and economics and how that influences the decisions at state level. CO3: examine how the political ideology shapes the economy through the lens of major theoretical perspectives in political economy. CO4: build effective communication skills through written and oral presentation. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Introduction to Political Economy Theory
People and Society; Theory of complementary holism; Justice maxims: Conservative, liberal and radical and their shortcomings. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Introduction to Political Economy Theory
People and Society; Theory of complementary holism; Justice maxims: Conservative, liberal and radical and their shortcomings. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Introductory Political Economy of the Market and the Macro Economy
The function of the Market: Supply and Demand reconsidered - The Fallacy of the Beneficent Invisible Hand and Market Failure. Macroeconomy: Macro Law of Supply and Demand reconsidered – Myth about Inflation and Deficits – Wage Led Growth. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Introductory Political Economy of the Market and the Macro Economy
The function of the Market: Supply and Demand reconsidered - The Fallacy of the Beneficent Invisible Hand and Market Failure. Macroeconomy: Macro Law of Supply and Demand reconsidered – Myth about Inflation and Deficits – Wage Led Growth. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Caste, Class and Mixed Economy Model
Gradualism vs. Radical economic and social change: Caste composition of classes and class divisions within castes; Mixed economy model in India: its evolution as a pattern of mobilisation and the goals of planning. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Caste, Class and Mixed Economy Model
Gradualism vs. Radical economic and social change: Caste composition of classes and class divisions within castes; Mixed economy model in India: its evolution as a pattern of mobilisation and the goals of planning. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Political Economy of Liberalisation
Political economy of liberalisation: The attack on socialist principles of planning and retreat of the state from economic planning; The aims and achievements of privatisation; The interface between public investment and economic growth. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Political Economy of Liberalisation
Political economy of liberalisation: The attack on socialist principles of planning and retreat of the state from economic planning; The aims and achievements of privatisation; The interface between public investment and economic growth. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Autonomy of the State and Dynamics of Dominant Oligarchy
Autonomy of the State; Dynamics of dominant oligarchy and the re-emergence of the dominant propriety classes: A brief examination on their impact on public mobilisation and capital management. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Autonomy of the State and Dynamics of Dominant Oligarchy
Autonomy of the State; Dynamics of dominant oligarchy and the re-emergence of the dominant propriety classes: A brief examination on their impact on public mobilisation and capital management. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Conflict and Commensuration: Contested Market Making
Indian Developers and foreign investors; Making a market 1: Government reforms; Making a market 2: Investor-developer collaborations; The politics of commensuration; Value of companies; Value of land; Value of enterprise; Two different fields of practice; Value projects. | |||||||||||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Conflict and Commensuration: Contested Market Making
Indian Developers and foreign investors; Making a market 1: Government reforms; Making a market 2: Investor-developer collaborations; The politics of commensuration; Value of companies; Value of land; Value of enterprise; Two different fields of practice; Value projects. | |||||||||||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Bardhan, Pranab. (2011). The Political Economy of Development in India. (12th ed.). Oxford India Paperbacks: Oxford University Press. Frankel, F. R. (2005). India’s Political Economy: 1947 – 2004. (2nd ed.). Oxford India Paperbacks: Oxford University Press. Hahnel, R. (2002). The ABCs of Political Economy: A Modern Approach. Pluto Press. Jenkins, R. (1999). Democratic Politics and Economic Reform in India. Cambridge University Press. Searle, L. G. (2014). Conflict and Commensuration: Contested Market Making in India’s Private Real Estate Development Sector. In G. Shatkin (ed.) Contesting the Indian city: global visions and the politics of the local (pp. 65–90). Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Amit Bahaduri : Essay in the reconstruction of political Economy. Basu, K. (2005). India’s Emerging Economy: Performance and Prospects in the 1990s and beyond. Oxford India Paperbacks: Oxford University Press. Kohli, A. (2010). Democracy and Development in India: From Socialism to Pro – Business. Oxford India Paperbacks: Oxford University Press.
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Evaluation Pattern
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BECH642A - MONEY AND BANKING (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:60 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description: This course is designed to give a systematic introduction to the concept of money and banking and non-banking system in the country. This course aims at imparting overall knowledge about Definition and functions of money, Commercial Banking, Central banking and their functions. This course exposes students to the theory and functioning of the monetary and financial sectors of the economy. Course Objectives: This course aims to make students:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: demonstrate the various concept of money and its applications with other related factors; CO2: able to examine various factors which influences the money supply in the country CO3: critically examine the role of banking and non-banking sector reforms in India CO4: summarise and criticise the recent developments banking reforms towards economic development |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Money
Definitions and functions of money; Types of money: legal tender money and bank money, near money; Value of money and index number; construction of index number; WPI, CPI, and PPI; Monetary Base. | |||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Money
Definitions and functions of money; Types of money: legal tender money and bank money, near money; Value of money and index number; construction of index number; WPI, CPI, and PPI; Monetary Base. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Determinants of Money Supply
Determinants of Money Supply, Demand for money- Classical and Keynesian approaches, Patinkin and the Real Balance Effect; Friedman’s Quantity theory of money. Supply of Money- Measures of money supply: M1,M2, M3 and M4; High powered money and money multiplier, CRR, SLR, REPO, Reverse REPO. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Determinants of Money Supply
Determinants of Money Supply, Demand for money- Classical and Keynesian approaches, Patinkin and the Real Balance Effect; Friedman’s Quantity theory of money. Supply of Money- Measures of money supply: M1,M2, M3 and M4; High powered money and money multiplier, CRR, SLR, REPO, Reverse REPO. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Banking and Non-Banking institutions
Meaning and types; Functions of commercial banks; the process of credit creation and its limitations; Indian banking system: Changing role and structure; banking sector reforms. Lessons from Global Financial Crisis and Policy Response in India, Role of commercial banks in economic development. Non- banking financial organizations-Objective, aims, roles and structure, Types and functions of non-banking financial institutions in economic development. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Banking and Non-Banking institutions
Meaning and types; Functions of commercial banks; the process of credit creation and its limitations; Indian banking system: Changing role and structure; banking sector reforms. Lessons from Global Financial Crisis and Policy Response in India, Role of commercial banks in economic development. Non- banking financial organizations-Objective, aims, roles and structure, Types and functions of non-banking financial institutions in economic development. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Central Banking
Functions of the Central Bank. Quantitative and qualitative methods of credit control: Bank rate policy, Open market operations, Cash reserve ratio and selective methods. Role and functions of the Reserve Bank of India, Monetary Policy: objectives, Limitations of Monetary Policy with reference to India. Current monetary policy of India. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Central Banking
Functions of the Central Bank. Quantitative and qualitative methods of credit control: Bank rate policy, Open market operations, Cash reserve ratio and selective methods. Role and functions of the Reserve Bank of India, Monetary Policy: objectives, Limitations of Monetary Policy with reference to India. Current monetary policy of India. | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Debate on recent development of Banking sector in India
Recent Developments in Banking Sector: Bank Mergers and Acquisitions; Demonetization; Non-performing assets, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), Crypto currency, Digital payment systems, and Cashless India. | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Debate on recent development of Banking sector in India
Recent Developments in Banking Sector: Bank Mergers and Acquisitions; Demonetization; Non-performing assets, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), Crypto currency, Digital payment systems, and Cashless India. | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Essential Readings: Ball, L. (2011). Money, Banking and Financial Markets. Macmillan. Burton, M., & Brown, B. (2014). Financial System of the Economy: Principles of Money and Banking: Principles of Money and Banking. Routledge. Durlauf, S.N., and Blume, L. (2010). Monetary Economics. Palgrave McMillan Hajela, T.N., (2009). Money and Banking, Ane Books Pvt Ltd., New Delhi. M. Y. Khan, (2011). Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill, 7th edition. Handa, J. (2009). Monetary Economics. Routledge. Jayadev, M. (2013). Basel III implementation: Issues and challenges for Indian banks. IIMB Management Review, 25(2), 115-130. | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Mishkin, F. S. (2007). The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets. Pearson Education. Reinhart, C. M., & Rogoff, K. S. (2009). This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly. Princeton University Press. Sen, S., & Ghosh, S. K. (2005). Basel Norms, Indian Banking Sector and Impact on Credit to SMEs and the Poor. Economic and Political Weekly, 40(12), 1167-1180. Sundharam KPM, Banking: Theory, Law and Practice, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi R.R. Paul, Money, Banking & International Trade, Kalyani Publications, Ludhiana. K.C. Sekhar, Banking – Theory and Practice, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi. Ball, L. (2011). Money, Banking and Financial Markets. Macmillan. | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
* Mid Semester Exam ** End Semester Exam | |||||||||||
BECH642B - GAME THEORY (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Game theory is a toolkit for analyzing situations in which payoffs depend not only on your actions but also on those of others. This course introduces you to some of the already heard famous games, like the prisoners' dilemma and bargaining games. In addition to these, the course introduces the students to games with perfect and imperfect information such as auctions and signaling games, and coalitional and repeated games. Game theory models conflict and cooperation between rational decision-making agents. It has applications in a wide variety of areas, including statistical decision theory, artificial intelligence (online learning, multi-agent systems), economics and business (auctions, pricing, bargaining), biology (evolution, signaling behavior, fighting behavior), political science (stability of government, military strategy), and philosophy (ethics, morality and social norms).
Course Objectives: The objectives of offering this course are to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Interpret how to make strategic decisions in situations involving conflict of interests. CO2: Construct and design mechanisms for decisions involving perfect and imperfect information scenarios. CO3: Examine strategies for formation of coalitions and analyse optimum outcomes of the possible coalitions. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Nash Equilibrium Theory
Strategic Games, Examples - the Prisoner’s Dilemma, Bach or Stavinsky, Matching Pennies, the Stag Hunt. Nash Equilibrium, experimental evidence of Prisoner’s Dilemma, Best Response Functions, Dominated actions, Equilibrium in a single population - symmetric games and symmetric equilibria. Cournot’s Model of Oligopoly, Bertrand’s Model of Oligopoly, Electoral Competition, The War of Attrition, Auctions, Accident Law. | |||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Nash Equilibrium Theory
Strategic Games, Examples - the Prisoner’s Dilemma, Bach or Stavinsky, Matching Pennies, the Stag Hunt. Nash Equilibrium, experimental evidence of Prisoner’s Dilemma, Best Response Functions, Dominated actions, Equilibrium in a single population - symmetric games and symmetric equilibria. Cournot’s Model of Oligopoly, Bertrand’s Model of Oligopoly, Electoral Competition, The War of Attrition, Auctions, Accident Law. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Mixed Strategy Equilibrium
Strategic Games in which players may randomize; mixed strategy Nash equilibrium; pure equilibria when randomization is allowed; equilibrium in a single population; formation of players'’ beliefs. Extensive games with perfect information, strategies and outcomes, Subgame Perfect Equilibrium, and Backward induction. Stackelberg’s model of the duopoly. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Mixed Strategy Equilibrium
Strategic Games in which players may randomize; mixed strategy Nash equilibrium; pure equilibria when randomization is allowed; equilibrium in a single population; formation of players'’ beliefs. Extensive games with perfect information, strategies and outcomes, Subgame Perfect Equilibrium, and Backward induction. Stackelberg’s model of the duopoly. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Extensive Games with Perfect Information
Allowing for simultaneous move; entry into a monopolized industry; electoral competition with strategic voters; committee decision-making; exit from a declining industry; Allowing for exogenous uncertainty; subgame perfect equilibrium and backward induction; Experimental evidence on the centipede game. Coalitional Games and the Core - Coalitional games; the Core; ownership and the distribution of wealth; exchanging homogeneous horses; exchanging heterogeneous houses; voting; matching; Matching doctors with hospitals. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Extensive Games with Perfect Information
Allowing for simultaneous move; entry into a monopolized industry; electoral competition with strategic voters; committee decision-making; exit from a declining industry; Allowing for exogenous uncertainty; subgame perfect equilibrium and backward induction; Experimental evidence on the centipede game. Coalitional Games and the Core - Coalitional games; the Core; ownership and the distribution of wealth; exchanging homogeneous horses; exchanging heterogeneous houses; voting; matching; Matching doctors with hospitals. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Games with Imperfect Information
Bayesian Games; Cournot’s duopoly game with imperfect information; providing a public good; Extensive games with imperfect information; Strategies; Beliefs and sequential equilibrium; Signalling games; conspicuous expenditure as a signal of quality; education as a signal of ability; strategic information transmission; agenda control with imperfect information. Repeated Games: The Prisoner’s Dilemma; Finitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma; Infinitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma; Strategies in an infinitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma; Some Nash equilibria of an infinitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma; Nash equilibrium payoffs of an infinitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Games with Imperfect Information
Bayesian Games; Cournot’s duopoly game with imperfect information; providing a public good; Extensive games with imperfect information; Strategies; Beliefs and sequential equilibrium; Signalling games; conspicuous expenditure as a signal of quality; education as a signal of ability; strategic information transmission; agenda control with imperfect information. Repeated Games: The Prisoner’s Dilemma; Finitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma; Infinitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma; Strategies in an infinitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma; Some Nash equilibria of an infinitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma; Nash equilibrium payoffs of an infinitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma. | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Osborne, M. J. (2004). An introduction to game theory (Vol. 3, No. 3). New York: Oxford University Press. Osborne, M. J., & Rubinstein, A. (1994). A course in game theory. MIT press. | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Aumann, R. J., & Hart, S. (Eds.). (1992). Handbook of game theory with economic applications (Vol. 1). Amsterdam: North-Holland. Binmore, K. (2007). Playing for real: a text on game theory. Oxford university press. Dixit, A. K., & Skeath, S. (2015). Games of Strategy: Fourth International Student Edition. WW Norton & Company. Tadelis, S. (2013). Game theory: an introduction. Princeton university press. | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
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BECH681 - DISSERTATION (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:3 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description: One of the requirements for the completion of the BA Economics Honours programmes at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is to conduct original research work under the guidance of a faculty member and submit it in the form of a research dissertation. Having undergone extensive training in Mathematical Economics, Statistical Methods, Research Methodology and Econometrics, this course enables students to demonstrate an understanding of how to apply their theoretical knowledge to practice by investigating and carefully evaluating real-time economic issue(s). The dissertation should be a minimum of 10,000 words in length (or approximately 35 pages) formatted following the APA 6th Edition guidelines. The word count includes the title, table of content, text, tables, citations, quotations and footnotes. The certificate pages, acknowledgement page, the abstract (150 - 250 words, with 5 Keywords), the reference list, and the appendices are excluded from the word count. Course Objectives: The course aims to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: identify the necessary types and sources of data CO2: identify tools for analyzing the data CO3: interpret the findings CO4: suggest recommendations and policies for solving the problems studied. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:45 |
The students will continue from the formative work they have done in the 5th semester and submit the thesis for evaluation. | |||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:45 |
The students will continue from the formative work they have done in the 5th semester and submit the thesis for evaluation. | |||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: The essential readings will include the necessary references for the preparation of the literature review. | |||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading The additional readings will include the materials suggested by the guide for broad learning of concepts, theories and methodologies. | |||||||||
Evaluation Pattern
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SDEH611 - SKILL DEVELOPMENT (2022 Batch) | |||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:0 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description : The primary objective of this course is to familiarize the database management and various discipline specific software packages to the students and help them to analyse the basic statistical methods for data analysis. The theme identified for the fifth and sixth semester is Data management and Technical Knowledge. Course Objective : The course aims to:
Learning Outcome |
CO1: To demonstrate working in discipline specific software package and database for professional development CO2: To utilise these transferable skills which can be used in multiple domains across time. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Unit Outline
Students must choose MOOC courses offered by various online platforms in the specific themes given for the Fifth and sixth semesters. This consists of various discipline software packages, SPSS, Excel, R, Adobe, Python, Tableau, Nvivo etc. | |||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Unit Outline
Students must choose MOOC courses offered by various online platforms in the specific themes given for the Fifth and sixth semesters. This consists of various discipline software packages, SPSS, Excel, R, Adobe, Python, Tableau, Nvivo etc. | |||||
Text Books And Reference Books: The students have to follow the references given in the MOOC courses they have opted for. | |||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading The students have to follow the references given in the MOOC courses they have opted for. | |||||
Evaluation Pattern